The early weeks of a new baby are a very special time and we want you to feel confident, safe and secure.

Having a baby is one of the most important times of your life – it’s exciting and sometimes overwhelming. Our midwives are here to support you during this time of great change – helping you and your family adjust to life with your new baby. In the days following your return home from hospital our midwives will visit you in your home and perform the necessary wellness checks on your baby, support you with breastfeeding, offer sleep strategy tips and check on your physical and emotional health.

Our midwives have over 35 years nursing and midwifery experience between them and they understand what it’s like arriving home with a new baby. They will visit you at home in week two and week four post-birth to give you the support, care and information you need to transition to motherhood. They work closely with your obstetricians, Dr Micheal Mastry and Dr Gill van Iddekinge, keeping them informed of you and your baby’s progress. They can also assist with referrals to our own paediatricians or other specialist or community services if required or requested.

Services provided by our midwives during in-home visits include:

  • postnatal check of baby – including weighing and measuring
  • postnatal check of mother
  • breastfeeding support
  • bottle feeding advice
  • newborn settling techniques
  • emotional health support
  • family planning advice
  • parenting information
  • connection with local community resources
  • referrals to other practitioners, if needed.