Our Obstetrics patients receive comprehensive and holistic care of the highest quality throughout their pregnancy, delivery and post partum care.
Our doctors see their role as helping you achieve your aims and ensuring that your baby is delivered in the safest possible way. Dr Micheal Mastry and Dr Gill van Iddekinge provide holistic obstetric care for both high-risk and low-risk pregnancies.
Our doctors specialise in the following areas:
- Pre-pregnancy advice and planning, including help with infertility and sub-fertility issues, miscarriage and recurrent pregnancy loss
- Antenatal care, including care for low risk pregnancies as well as high risk pregnancies complicated by:
- Pre-eclampsia
- Hypertension
- Gestational diabetes
- Placenta previa
- Multiple pregnancies and management of medical disorders in pregnancy, such as diabetes, hypertension, thyroid disorders, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolus (in consultation with subspecialists in Maternal Foetal Medicine and Obstetric Medicine)
Although most patients will have normal spontaneous labour and delivery, our obstetricians are proficient at:
- Normal delivery
- Induction of labour
- Vacuum extraction deliveries
- Caesarean section deliveries
- Breech presentation and External Cephalic version
- Vaginal birth after Caesarean (VBAC)
We are privileged to have midwifes Megan and Amanda working in our practice. Our midwives have over 50 years’ of combined experience in caring for mothers and babies. After delivery, a midwife will visit you in your home to support you and ensure that you have no outstanding issues with breastfeeding or settling your new baby.
Together, we are able to provide a very comprehensive service, which will make your pregnancy a special experience. This is one of the most important times of your life, and you should be able to look back on your pregnancy and the birth of your baby with a great deal of pleasure.
After your initial consultation with Dr Mastry or Dr van Iddekinge, your subsequent visits will be scheduled for every four weeks until week 28 of your pregnancy, then fortnightly until 36 weeks, and then weekly until the birth of your child. Higher risk patients will be seen more often.
It is important that you contact us if you have any concerns at all about your pregnancy. Any complaint or concern, no matter how trivial you feel it is, is never too small for us to address. First-time parents are encouraged to attend their chosen Hospital’s antenatal classes.
Our practice is based at Mater Medical Centre, Cleveland, attached to the Mater Private Redland Hospital – our deliveries are now at Greenslopes Private Hospital or alternatively Mater Mothers South Brisbane. We aim to enable our patients to give birth as naturally and intervention free as possible, in a caring and supportive environment. Sometimes interventions are required during a delivery, such as Caesarean sections and instrumental deliveries, and these are performed where it is necessary for the wellbeing of the mother and the baby.